Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fancy Feet


I'm sure many of you have already seen what was in July's GlossyBox.  But I felt compelled to write about the Alessandro Heel Rescue Balm.

Let me start off by saying, I hate feet! I don't know what it is, but there is nothing appealing about feet.  (Those with a foot fetish need not apply here!)  Anywho... I can't say that I have the best looking feet.  My feet have many miles of running on them and many a 14 hour days standing on them.  Oh, and I love to wear sandals/flip-flops for as long as the seasons let me. (I'm sure you now have an image of ugly feet in sandals.  Sorry!)  Needless to say, my feet often long for TLC.  I do love the occasional pedicure; however, my spending habits don't allow me to do it as often as I would like.  Enough ramblings about my feet!

(Courtesty  I do love to wear heels!)

I do love the results of using heavy creams and wearing gel socks.  But I feel like the soft skin I long for does not last long after taking the socks off.  Let me add that I hate to wear socks, so I rarely manage to keep the socks on for more than 15 minutes.  Enter Heel Rescue Balm.  This is one of the best products I've used on my tootsies to date.  The balm is pretty light so it doesn't leave your feet feeling suffocated.  It instantly softens my skin and lasts ages!  I had a night out in 4 inch stilettos and my feet paid for it in blisters!  I made sure to apply the balm daily and my night of mayhem has left no trace on my feet.  I will also add that the Heel Rescue Balm has a refreshing smell to it that is not too overpowering.

(Courtesy of

This all sounds lovely, right?  Why of course it does!  But to my chagrin, this product is not sold in the US!!  With luck on my side, my MIL lives in the UK.  I may have to give her a ring and have her send me loads of it!  Until then, I will savor my little sample.

Thanks for reading!


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