Friday, September 7, 2012

A Pinch of This and a Dash of That

Hey there Wok Stars!

This week seems to have flown by for me!  I hope the same for you guys too!

I thought I would share a few pictures from Sunday's race in Baltimore.  As I've said, I'm not really into cars, but my hubby loves cars.  We don't have much interest in Nascar.  Mostly I don't see entertainment in seeing cars driving in circles.  But I do have to say the Grand Prix at Baltimore was pretty cool.  They closed off streets in Baltimore and made it a race track.  The cool thing about this was that we weren't confined to seats.  We were able to walk around the city and watch the race.

This is my dork picture! The pharmacist in me was so excited to see insulin advertised : p

This is the pit where tires were changed.
I was gonna take an OOTD picture, but because it was a gloomy, muggy, humid, rainy day (as you can see in the pictures) I decided take a picture from afar. haha

There seems to be lots more going on to tell you about.  I'm posting on the run today, so I hope to go into these topics with a little more detail in an upcoming post(s).

  • Most excitingly, I found out a friend of mine will be having a lil bambino!  She will be the best mommy ever for the little one!  
  • The other night, Tim and I splurged and bought ourselves a nice DSLR.  So I will have some new and improved (hopefully) pictures to post.  
  • I'm excited for Topshop to be sold at our Nordstroms!
  • I have 2 trips planned coming up in the next 2 months, that we just booked.
  • I am planning to buy my first car!
Well I'm off to go look at some cars!  I'll catch up with you guys later!

Until next time!

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